Work Samples

These images showcase a range of skills and tendency to strike a balance between text and graphics. In addition to PowerPoint, I make use of Excel, Illustrator, and Photoshop to generate the content appearing on these slides.

PowerPoint Tropes

There are ways to upend, simplify, and improve the effectiveness of certain frequently seen infographics. Adding a small twist can capture the audience’s attention without disorienting them (which prevents the message from hitting home).

PowerPoint Animation

3D rotation effects applied to live, editable textboxes, aligned to background image and animated.

Slide transitions approximate the Prezi effect without the vertigo*-inducing zoom-in/out.

* Saul Bass designed the opening credit sequences for Hitchcock’s Vertigo and North by Northwest. [the latter I unconsciously emulated here.]

Consulting Suite

I maintain an extensive library of slides intended for consulting clients. This deck includes customizable graphics, templated charts, and master slides readily adaptable to the client’s color palette and font preferences.

Speaker’s Presentation

Sampled from a 100-slide presentation that accompanies a speech, these slides are done in reverse (light text on dark background) to minimize distraction and aid reading. A greyscale color palette underscores the theme of right vs. wrong and keeps the audience focused on the speaker, while gold text highlights key information. Photos are treated with justice in mind: The guilty on the left in black and white; the good guys in color on the right.

Interactive PDF

This document was generated from a PowerPoint file and features clickable buttons that guide the user through four choices to arrive at one of 16 possible end-points. On any of these slides, the user may change their previous selections to view alternative results.

In 2021, it is clear remote work is here to stay and there is a greater need for presentations to be browsable and interactive. Audiences are seldom in the same room with a presenter, or online together at the same time. Printed leave-behinds are being replaced by PDFs, so it is advantageous to make them interactive rather than static. With hyperlinking (and careful planning), I can emulate the behavior of a web form, giving each user a unique presentation.

Live Linking:
Excel & PowerPoint

This quarterly updated performance report features graphs linked to centrally stored data files regularly revised by a team of number-crunchers. My job was to update the linked graphs in the PowerPoint deck (numbering around 60). What had been a week-long process, I was able to shorten to roughly an hour, while also reducing the risk of error.

Slides for a Covid-19 Webinar

In the early weeks of lockdown, a client hosted a Zoom webinar to discuss how the Coronavirus pandemic affected the real estate industry.

Keynote & Photoshop: Tunneling effect

Using Photoshop’s filtering tools and Keynote’s Magic Move slide transition feature, I can create the illusion of zooming endlessly into an image. With each magnification, I artificially add detail so the picture never becomes pixilated or flat (and uninteresting). This effect can be used as background in a Keynote presentation and is a way to emulate the Prezi effect without making the audience dizzy.

My full online portfolio resides at and features animation and video editing.